
Meaning and Usage

"klein" means "small" or "little" in German. It is used to describe the size, extent, or quantity of something.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "klein" has its roots in the Old High German word "klein," which is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*klainaz." It is an indeclinable adjective.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "klein" corresponds to the English word "small" or "little."

Example Sentences

  1. Ich habe ein kleines Haus. (I have a small house.)
  2. Die Kinder tragen kleine Rucksäcke. (The children are carrying little backpacks.)

Memory Tips

Associate "klein" with the English words "small" or "little" and use it to describe the size of objects to remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: winzig (tiny), gering (slight)
  • Antonyms: groß (big), riesig (huge)