
Meaning and Usage

Besiedeln means "to settle" or "to inhabit" in the sense of establishing a population in a previously uninhabited area. It is used to describe the act of populating or colonizing a place.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "besiedeln" is a verb and consists of the prefix "be-" and the root "siedeln." The prefix "be-" indicates a completion or intensification of the action, and "siedeln" is related to the noun "die Siedlung" (settlement) or "die Siedler" (settlers). The verb is derived from the noun "die Siedlung."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "besiedeln" has a similar meaning to the English word "to settle," although it specifically emphasizes the act of populating or colonizing an area.

Cultural Context

The term "besiedeln" is historically significant in the context of European colonial expansion and the settlement of new territories.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Wikinger besiedelten viele Gebiete in Europa.
  2. Die Auswanderer hofften, das Land erfolgreich zu besiedeln.
  3. Die neuen Siedler werden das Land besiedeln.

Memory Tips

Associate "besiedeln" with the English word "settle," but remember that "besiedeln" specifically refers to the act of populating or colonizing an area.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Besiedlung (settlement)
  • der Siedler / die Siedlerin (settler)
  • die Kolonie (colony)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich besiedele (I settle)
  • du besiedelst (you settle)
  • er/sie/es besiedelt (he/she/it settles)
  • wir besiedeln (we settle)
  • ihr besiedelt (you all settle)
  • sie besiedeln (they settle)