der Abflug

Meaning and Usage

"Der Abflug" in German refers to the departure, especially of an airplane or a flight. It is used to indicate the act of leaving or departing, commonly in the context of air travel.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Abflug" is a compound noun, consisting of the prefix "ab-" (indicating 'off' or 'away') and the noun "Flug" (flight). The combination creates the meaning of departing flight.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "der Abflug" has a direct counterpart in English, "the departure," but it specifically denotes the departure of a flight.

Cultural Context

In the context of traveling and airports, "der Abflug" is commonly used to refer to the departure of flights. It is often displayed on departure boards in airports and used in travel-related conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. Der Abflug Ihres Fluges wurde auf 15:45 Uhr verschoben. (The departure of your flight has been delayed to 3:45 pm.)
  2. Wir müssen pünktlich am Flughafen sein, um den Abflug nicht zu verpassen. (We have to be on time at the airport to not miss the departure.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Abflug" with "ab" (off) and "Flug" (flight) to remember that it means the departure of a flight.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Ankunft (the arrival)
  • der Flughafen (the airport)
  • der Flug (the flight)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: masculine Plural: die Abflüge

Conjugation (for verbs)

This word is a noun and does not have a verb form.