
Meaning and Usage

  • dass = that

Common Usage:

  1. "Ich denke, dass er Recht hat." = "I think that he is right."

Linguistic Analysis

"Dass" is a subordinating conjunction that introduces a subordinate clause. It has its roots in Middle High German and Old High German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "dass" corresponds to "that" in English when used to introduce a subordinate clause.

Cultural Context

The use of "dass" is essential for constructing complex sentences in German, especially when introducing a subordinate clause.

Example Sentences

  1. "Er glaubt, dass es wahr ist." = "He believes that it is true."
  2. "Ich hoffe, dass sie kommen." = "I hope that they are coming."

Memory Tips

Associate "dass" with the English word "that" to remember its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: damit (so that), obwohl (although), als (when/as)