
Meaning and Usage

"Dreieck" in German translates to "triangle" in English. It refers to a geometric shape with three sides and three angles. The word can also be used metaphorically or in various contexts such as traffic signs or musical instruments.

Linguistic Analysis

"Dreieck" is a compound word in German, derived from "drei" meaning "three" and "Eck" meaning "corner" or "angle". It follows the common German pattern of building compound words from smaller components.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Dreieck" in German directly translates to "triangle" in English, highlighting the similarity between the two languages in expressing this geometric shape.

Cultural Context

In German culture, "Dreieck" is commonly associated with the geometric shape and its mathematical properties. It's also used in various fields such as engineering, construction, and design.

Example Sentences

  1. Das Dreieck hat drei Seiten und drei Winkel. (Translation: The triangle has three sides and three angles.)
  2. Bitte biegen Sie am nächsten Dreieck rechts ab. (Translation: Please turn right at the next triangle (referring to a traffic intersection).)

Memory Tips

To remember "Dreieck," you can picture the shape of a triangle and associate it with the word.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Ecke (feminine, plural: die Ecken) - corner
  • Das Dreiecksmesser - utility knife (literally "triangle knife")
  • Das Dreiecksfenster - triangular window

Gender and Plural

The word "Dreieck" is neuter in gender. Its plural form is "die Dreiecke."


As "Dreieck" is a noun, it does not have a conjugated form.