
Meaning and Usage

"Berühren" in German means "to touch" or "to affect." It is used to describe physical contact or to express the emotional impact of something.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "berühren" is a verb. It consists of the prefix "be-" and the root "rühren." The prefix "be-" often indicates a sense of completion or intensification, and the root "rühren" means "to move" or "to stir." The combination conveys the idea of "touching" or "affecting."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "berühren" is similar to the English word "to touch." Both convey the action of making physical contact with something.

Cultural Context

In German culture, there is a respect for personal space, and the concept of "berühren" can be culturally sensitive in terms of physical contact and boundaries in social interactions.

Example Sentences

  1. Die warme Sonne berührte ihre Haut.
  2. Seine Worte haben mich tief berührt.
  3. Bitte nicht das Gemälde berühren.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "berühren," you can associate it with the English word "to touch" and remember that the prefix "be-" intensifies the action.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Berührung (noun) - touch
  • anrühren (verb) - to stir
  • berührend (adjective) - touching, moving

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich berühre (I touch)
  • Du berührst (You touch)
  • Er/Sie/Es berührt (He/She/It touches)
  • Wir berühren (We touch)
  • Ihr berührt (You touch - plural)
  • Sie berühren (They/You formal touch)