die Hausfrau

Meaning and Usage

The German word "die Hausfrau" translates to "housewife" in English. It refers to a woman who manages the household, typically involved in cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the family.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Hausfrau" is a compound noun, formed by the combination of "Haus" meaning "house" and "Frau" meaning "woman." It is feminine and its plural form is "die Hausfrauen."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Hausfrau" in German and "housewife" in English share a similar meaning and refer to the same role of a woman managing the household.

Cultural Context

The term "Hausfrau" is associated with the traditional role of women in the household, and it has been used to describe the primary responsibilities of women in the domestic sphere.

Example Sentences

  1. Meine Mutter war eine talentierte Hausfrau und Köchin. (My mother was a talented housewife and cook.)
  2. Viele Frauen entscheiden sich heutzutage dafür, sowohl eine Karriere als auch das Leben als Hausfrau zu führen. (Many women nowadays choose to have both a career and life as a housewife.)

Memory Tips

To remember the word "die Hausfrau," you can associate "Haus" with "house" and "Frau" with "woman," reminding you that it refers to a woman managing the household.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Related Words: die Ehefrau (wife), die Mutter (mother), die Putzfrau (cleaning lady)
  • Antonym: der Hausmann (househusband)

Gender and Plural

  • Gender: Feminine
  • Plural: die Hausfrauen

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