
Meaning and Usage

"Entscheiden" means "to decide" in German. It is used when someone makes a choice or reaches a decision about something.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "entscheiden" is a verb and does not have prefixes or suffixes. It is derived from the root "schied" which means "to separate, divide" and the prefix "ent-" which indicates a completion or result of an action.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "entscheiden" is similar in meaning to the English word "decide." Both words are used to express the act of making a choice or decision.

Cultural Context

In German culture, being decisive is often valued as a positive trait, and the ability to make decisions is seen as an important skill in both personal and professional contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich muss mich zwischen den beiden Optionen entscheiden. (I have to decide between the two options.)
  2. Wir haben uns entschieden, morgen ins Kino zu gehen. (We have decided to go to the movies tomorrow.)

Memory Tips

Think of "entscheiden" as having the word "side" in it, which can remind you that when you decide, you are choosing one side or option over another.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Entscheidung (noun) - decision
  • Entscheidend (adjective) - decisive, crucial
  • Sich entscheiden für (phrasal verb) - to opt for, to decide on

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich entscheide (I decide)
  • Du entscheidest (You decide)
  • Er/sie/es entscheidet (He/she/it decides)
  • Wir entscheiden (We decide)
  • Ihr entscheidet (You decide - plural)
  • Sie entscheiden (They decide)