
Meaning and Usage

"Entwicklung" in German translates to "development" in English. It is commonly used to refer to the process of growth, progress, or evolution in various contexts, such as personal, technological, or economic development.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Entwicklung" is a noun. It is derived from the verb "entwickeln," which means "to develop." The prefix "ent-" indicates a process or a change, and the root "-wicklung" is related to "Walzen" (roll), ultimately referring to the process of unfolding or unrolling.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Entwicklung" has a similar meaning and usage to its English counterpart "development."

Cultural Context

In Germany, "Entwicklung" is a key concept in various fields, including social, economic, and technological spheres. It is often discussed in the context of Germany's industrial and technological advancements.

Example Sentences

  • Die Entwicklung von Technologie hat in den letzten Jahren enorm zugenommen. (The development of technology has increased enormously in the last years.)
  • Die persönliche Entwicklung ist ein lebenslanger Prozess. (Personal development is a lifelong process.)

Memory Tips

To remember the word "Entwicklung," you can think of it as the "unfolding" or "rolling out" of progress and growth.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Fortschritt (progress)
  • Wachstum (growth)
  • Verbesserung (improvement)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Noun: die Entwicklung (feminine) Plural: die Entwicklungen

Conjugation (for verbs)

The verb "entwickeln" (to develop) conjugated in the present tense:

  • ich entwickle (I develop)
  • du entwickelst (you develop)
  • er/sie/es entwickelt (he/she/it develops)
  • wir entwickeln (we develop)
  • ihr entwickelt (you all develop)
  • sie entwickeln (they develop)