
Meaning and Usage

"Jeder" means "each" or "every" in German and is used to refer to all the members of a group individually. It is often used with a noun to indicate that the statement applies to each individual in a group.

Linguistic Analysis

"Jeder" is an indefinite pronoun in German. It is derived from the Middle High German word "jeder," which combines "je" (each) and "der" (the).

Comparisons between German and English

The word "jeder" in German shares the same meaning and general usage as the English words "each" or "every."

Cultural Context

"Jeder" is a common word used in various contexts in German, from everyday conversations to literature and formal writing.

Example Sentences

  1. Jeder Tag ist eine neue Chance. (Every day is a new chance.)
  2. Jeder Schüler muss seine Hausaufgaben machen. (Each student has to do his homework.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "jeder," think of the English expression "each and every," which emphasizes the individual nature of the members in a group.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: alle, sämtliche (all, every)
  • Antonyms: kein (none, not any)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

As an indefinite pronoun, "jeder" does not have a gender or plural form.