
Meaning and Usage

"Circa" is a Latin loanword that is commonly used in German to mean "approximately" or "around" when indicating an estimated time or quantity.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "circa" is used in German without any alteration and is an adverb.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "circa" is identical in German and English, both retaining its Latin origin and usage as an adverb to indicate approximation.

Cultural Context

The use of "circa" in German is similar to its usage in English, often found in formal or scholarly contexts such as historical dating or estimations.

Example Sentences

  1. Das Gemälde wurde um 1500 circa gemalt. (The painting was circa 1500.)
  2. Der Artikel kostet circa 20 Euro. (The item costs circa 20 euros.)

Memory Tips

Try associating "circa" with the English word "approximately" to remember its meaning in German.

Additional Vocabulary

  • ungefähr (approximately)
  • etwa (about)
  • um...herum (around)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)