
Meaning and Usage

"auftreten" in German means "to appear" or "to occur." It is often used to describe someone appearing on stage or in a public setting, as well as the occurrence of events or situations.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "auftreten" is a compound verb, formed by the prefix "auf-" (meaning "on" or "up") and the verb "treten" (meaning "to step" or "to tread"). Together, they create the meaning of "to step up" or "to appear."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "auftreten" has similarities to the English verb "to step up," although they are not direct translations. In English, "to appear" or "to occur" would be the corresponding translations.

Cultural Context

In a cultural context, "auftreten" can be used in the context of performances, public appearances, or the occurrence of events, making it a useful word in various social and entertainment settings.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Band wird heute Abend im Club auftreten. (The band will perform at the club tonight.)
  2. Leider ist ein Problem aufgetreten. (Unfortunately, a problem has occurred.)

Memory Tips

Think of "auftreten" as "stepping up" or "appearing," which can help in remembering its meaning related to appearances and occurrences.

Additional Vocabulary

  • erscheinen (to appear)
  • vorkommen (to occur)
  • auftauchen (to emerge)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich trete auf (I appear)
  • du trittst auf (you appear)
  • er/sie/es tritt auf (he/she/it appears)
  • wir treten auf (we appear)
  • ihr tretet auf (you appear)
  • sie treten auf (they appear)