der Herd

Meaning and Usage

Der Herd in German refers to "stove" or "cooking range" in English. It can also refer to a hearth or any place where a fire or cooking is done.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Herd" is a masculine noun in German. It has no prefix or suffix and its etymology comes from the Old High German word "herd."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "Herd" is similar to the English word "hearth" in its meaning, but in modern usage, it more commonly refers to a stove or cooking range.

Cultural Context

In German households, the "Herd" plays a central role in cooking and often serves as a gathering place for the family.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich koche das Abendessen auf dem Herd. (I am cooking dinner on the stove.)
  2. Sie wärmte ihre Hände am offenen Herdfeuer. (She warmed her hands by the open hearth fire.)

Memory Tips

To remember "der Herd," think of the "Herd" as the heart of the kitchen where cooking and warmth are generated.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Küche (the kitchen)
  • Der Ofen (the oven)
  • Das Kochen (cooking)

Gender and Plural

  • Gender: masculine
  • Plural: die Herde


This word is a noun and does not have a conjugation.