
Meaning and Usage

"Heiraten" in German means "to marry" or "to get married." It is used to indicate the act of entering into a legal marriage with someone.

Linguistic Analysis

"Heiraten" is a verb in its infinitive form. It consists of the prefix "heirat-" and the suffix "-en." The word is derived from the noun "die Heirat" (marriage).

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "heiraten" is similar in meaning to the English word "to marry," and both are used to indicate the act of entering into marriage.

Cultural Context

In Germany, marriage is considered a legal and social institution, and the decision to marry is often an important and celebrated event in people's lives.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie heiraten nächstes Jahr im Sommer. (They are getting married next year in summer.)
  2. Mein Bruder möchte seine Freundin heiraten. (My brother wants to marry his girlfriend.)

Memory Tips

Remember that "heiraten" involves the act of "marrying" someone, and you can associate it with the idea of a "heirat" (marriage) ceremony.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Ehe (marriage)
  • verheiratet sein (to be married)
  • der Ehemann (husband)
  • die Ehefrau (wife)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich heirate (I marry)
  • du heiratest (you marry)
  • er/sie/es heiratet (he/she/it marries)
  • wir heiraten (we marry)
  • ihr heiratet (you all marry)
  • sie heiraten (they marry)