
Meaning and Usage

"Ja" is the German word for "yes". It is used to affirm or confirm something, or to answer a positively framed question.

Linguistic Analysis

"Ja" is a standalone word derived from Middle High German and Old High German "ja", meaning "yes".

Comparisons between German and English

The word "ja" in German corresponds directly to the English word "yes".

Cultural Context

In German culture, using "ja" to affirm something is a common and straightforward way to express agreement or consent.

Example Sentences

  1. Hast du Zeit? - Ja, ich habe Zeit. (Do you have time? - Yes, I have time.)
  2. Möchtest du etwas trinken? - Ja, gerne. (Would you like something to drink? - Yes, please.)

Memory Tips

Associate "ja" with the English "yes" to remember its meaning and usage easily.

Additional Vocabulary

Synonyms: Stimmt (true), Genau (exactly) Antonyms: Nein (no)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)