
Meaning and Usage

"Denn" is a conjunction in German, meaning "because" or "since". It is used to introduce a reason or cause for something.

Linguistic Analysis

"Denn" does not have a distinct prefix, root, and suffix, as it is a standalone conjunction. Its etymology can be traced back to Middle High German and Old High German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "denn" in German translates to "because" or "since" in English. It serves a similar purpose in both languages as a conjunction to introduce a cause or reason.

Cultural Context

In everyday German conversation, "denn" is commonly used to explain or justify actions, opinions, or situations. It is an important word for understanding reasoning and causality in German communication.

Example Sentences

  1. Warum gehst du nicht zum Konzert? - Ich gehe nicht hin, denn ich habe schon andere Pläne. (Why aren't you going to the concert? - I'm not going because I already have other plans.)

  2. Ich kann nicht kommen, denn ich muss arbeiten. (I can't come because I have to work.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning and usage of "denn", think of it as the German equivalent of "because" or "since" in English, linking a cause to the following statement.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Weil (because)
  • Da (since/as)
  • Aufgrund (due to)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)