
Meaning and Usage

"Schrieb" is the preterite (simple past) form of the verb "schreiben," which means "to write" in English. It is used to describe an action of writing that occurred in the past.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "schrieb" is derived from the infinitive form "schreiben" with the addition of the preterite marker "-te" for regular weak verbs in German. The root of the word is "schreib-" and the suffix "-te" indicates past tense. The verb "schreiben" belongs to the group of regular weak verbs in German.

Comparisons between German and English

The English equivalent of "schrieb" is "wrote," both being preterite forms used to indicate past tense in writing.

Cultural Context

In German culture, writing and literature hold significant importance, and the language is rich in literary heritage, making the verb "schreiben" and its past tense form "schrieb" essential in everyday communication and creative expression.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie schrieb einen langen Brief an ihre Mutter. (She wrote a long letter to her mother.)
  2. Gestern schrieb ich in meinem Tagebuch. (Yesterday I wrote in my diary.)
  3. Wir schrieben eine Geschichte für die Schule. (We wrote a story for school.)

Memory Tips

Associate the word "schrieb" with the English word "wrote" to remember its meaning as the past tense form of "schreiben."

Additional Vocabulary

  • schreiben (to write)
  • Brief (letter)
  • Tagebuch (diary)
  • Geschichte (story)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

N/A (for verbs)

Conjugation (for verbs)