
Meaning and Usage

"Industrie" in German translates to "industry" in English. It refers to the economic activity of producing goods from raw materials or the sector of the economy engaged in such activities.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Industrie" is a feminine noun in German. It has no specific prefix or suffix and is derived from the Latin word "industria."

Comparisons between German and English

The meaning of "Industrie" in German is the same as "industry" in English, and they are used in similar contexts.

Cultural Context

Germany is known for its strong industrial sector, and the term "Industrie" is frequently used in discussions about the country's economy and manufacturing prowess.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Automobilindustrie ist in Deutschland sehr stark.
  2. Er arbeitet in der Chemieindustrie.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "Industrie," think of the strong industrial presence in Germany and relate it to the word.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Wirtschaft (economy)
  • Die Herstellung (manufacturing)
  • Die Fabrik (factory)

Gender and Plural

Gender: feminine Plural: die Industrien


Not applicable (noun)