
Meaning and Usage

"Uns" is the plural and accusative form of the pronoun "wir" in German, meaning "us."

Comparisons between German and English

"Uns" corresponds to "us" in English, indicating the object form of the first person plural pronoun.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie haben uns zum Essen eingeladen. (They invited us for dinner.)
  2. Können Sie uns helfen? (Can you help us?)

Memory Tips

Think of "uns" as the equivalent of "us" in English, emphasizing its function as the object form of "wir" (we).

Additional Vocabulary

Related pronouns: mich (me), dich (you), ihn/sie/es (him/her/it), euch (you all)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: N/A Plural: N/A