
Meaning and Usage

"Bekannte" is the plural form of "Bekannter" and refers to acquaintances or people you know. It is used to describe people with whom one has a familiar or friendly relationship, but not necessarily close friends.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Bekannte" is a plural noun derived from the adjective "bekannt" which means "known" or "familiar". The suffix "-e" indicates the plural form in German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Bekannte" has a similar counterpart in English, which is "acquaintances."

Cultural Context

In German culture, maintaining relationships with acquaintances or "Bekannte" is highly valued, and there is a distinction between close friends ("Freunde") and acquaintances.

Example Sentences

  1. Meine Bekannten kommen aus verschiedenen Ländern. (My acquaintances come from different countries.)
  2. Wir haben unsere Bekannten zum Abendessen eingeladen. (We invited our acquaintances for dinner.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Bekannte" with "bekannt" (known), and remember that it refers to people you are familiar with but may not be close friends.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Freunde (friends)
  • Familie (family)
  • Kollegen (colleagues)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Singular: der Bekannte (masculine), die Bekannte (feminine)
  • Plural: die Bekannten

Conjugation (for verbs)

Not applicable.