
Meaning and Usage

"Nacht" means "night" in German. It refers to the period of darkness between sunset and sunrise, or more generally, the time when it is dark outside.

Linguistic Analysis

"Nacht" is a noun, and it doesn't have a prefix or a suffix. Its etymology can be traced back to the Old High German word "naht."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "Nacht" is similar to the English word "night" in both its meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

"Nacht" is a fundamental concept in German culture and language, often appearing in literature, poetry, and expressions related to nighttime activities.

Example Sentences

  1. Gute Nacht! (Good night!)
  2. Wir fahren in der Nacht. (We are driving at night.)

Memory Tips

Remember "Nacht" by associating it with the English word "night" to aid in retention.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: Mitternacht (midnight), Nachtleben (nightlife), nächtlich (nightly) Gender: Feminine Plural: Nächte