
Meaning and Usage

"Passen" in German means "to fit" or "to suit". It is used to describe when something fits in a certain space or when something is suitable for a particular purpose or person.

Linguistic Analysis

"Passen" is a verb in German. It is a regular verb, and its infinitive form is "passen". In conjugated forms, it changes according to the subject, for example, "ich passe" (I fit), "du passt" (you fit), "er/sie/es passt" (he/she/it fits).

Comparisons between German and English

In English, "passen" translates to "to fit" or "to suit". The usage is quite similar in both languages.

Cultural Context

In German culture, "passen" is used not only for physical fitting but also to describe whether something is suitable or appropriate for a certain situation or person.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Schuhe passen mir gut. (The shoes fit me well.)
  2. Diese Farbe passt nicht zu meinem Kleid. (This color doesn't suit my dress.)
  3. Der Schlüssel passt nicht ins Schloss. (The key doesn't fit into the lock.)

Memory Tips

Associate "passen" with the English word "fit" as they have a similar meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Anpassung (feminine, plural: die Anpassungen) - adjustment
  • Geeignet - suitable
  • Die Passform (feminine, plural: die Passformen) - fit (clothing)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich passe, du passt, er/sie/es passt
  • Wir passen, ihr passt, sie passen