
Meaning and Usage

"Alle" means "all" or "every" in German, used to indicate the entirety or the whole of something.

Linguistic Analysis

"Alle" is a pronoun and a determiner in German.

Comparisons between German and English

"Alle" is similar to the English word "all" when used as a pronoun or a determiner.

Cultural Context

The term "alle" holds cultural significance by referencing inclusiveness, completeness, and totality in German society, including aspects like education, community, and social dynamics.

Example Sentences

  1. Alle sind willkommen. (All are welcome.)
  2. Ich habe alle Bücher gelesen. (I have read all the books.)

Memory Tips

Associate "alle" with the English word "all" to reinforce its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: jeder (everyone), alles (everything)