
Meaning and Usage

"Glücklich" in German translates to "happy" in English. It is used to describe a state of contentment, joy, or happiness.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "glücklich" is an adjective. It is formed from the root "Glück" (luck) and the suffix "-lich" (similar to the English "-ly"), which forms adjectives from nouns. The etymology of "Glück" can be traced back to the Middle High German "glücke," meaning "happiness" or "good fortune."

Comparisons between German and English

"Glücklich" is similar to the English word "happy" in both meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In German culture, feeling "glücklich" is highly valued, and there are various idiomatic expressions and sayings related to happiness.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie ist glücklich über ihren neuen Job. (She is happy about her new job.)
  2. Er strahlt vor Glück, weil er gerade Vater geworden ist. (He is glowing with happiness because he has just become a father.)

Memory Tips

Associate "glücklich" with the English word "lucky" to remember that being "glücklich" is being fortunate and happy.

Additional Vocabulary

  • glücklicherweise - fortunately
  • unglücklich - unhappy
  • die Glückseligkeit - bliss, happiness

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

The word "glücklich" is an adjective and does not have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

As "glücklich" is an adjective, it is not conjugated.