
Meaning and Usage

"Stellen" in German means "to place" or "to set." It is commonly used to describe actions such as placing an object somewhere, setting something up, or asking a question.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "stellen" is a verb and does not have a prefix or suffix. Its etymology can be traced back to the Middle High German word "stellen," which also meant "to place" or "to set."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "stellen" translates to "to place" or "to set" in English. It is similar in meaning to the English verb "to place."

Cultural Context

In German culture, "stellen" is used in various contexts, including everyday tasks such as setting the table or placing objects in a specific location. It is also used in formal settings, such as "eine Frage stellen" (to ask a question).

Example Sentences

  1. Kannst du die Blumen auf den Tisch stellen? (Can you put the flowers on the table?)
  2. Ich möchte dir eine Frage stellen. (I would like to ask you a question.)

Memory Tips

Associate "stellen" with the English word "to place" and visualize scenarios where you can use the word in everyday activities.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Platzierung (feminine, singular) - placement
  • setzen (to set)
  • legen (to lay)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich stelle (I place)
  • du stellst (you place)
  • er/sie/es stellt (he/she/it places)
  • wir stellen (we place)
  • ihr stellt (you [plural] place)
  • sie stellen (they place)