
Meaning and Usage

"Schaffen" in German can have multiple meanings, including "to create," "to achieve," "to manage," "to cope," or "to work." It can be used in various contexts, such as in the sense of accomplishing a task, managing one's workload, or creating something new.

Linguistic Analysis

"Schaffen" is a verb and does not have a prefix or suffix. Its root is "schaff-." The word is derived from the Middle High German "schaffen" and Old High German "scaphan."

Comparisons between German and English

In some contexts, "schaffen" can be translated to "to create" or "to achieve" in English. However, it also carries additional meanings such as "to manage" or "to cope," which may not have exact one-word equivalents in English.

Cultural Context

The word "schaffen" is commonly used in work-related or achievement-related contexts. It can also be used in the sense of managing or coping with a demanding situation, reflecting the German value of hard work and diligence.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich habe es endlich geschafft, mein Buch zu schreiben. (I finally managed to write my book.)
  2. Die Firma schafft neue Arbeitsplätze. (The company is creating new jobs.)
  3. Sie schaffen es, alles zu schaffen. (They manage to cope with everything.)

Memory Tips

To remember the various meanings of "schaffen," you can associate it with the idea of "creating" or "managing" something, whether it's a project, a task, or a challenging situation.

Additional Vocabulary

  • schaffen (noun) - work, achievement
  • die Schaffung - creation
  • die Leistung - performance, achievement

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich schaffe (I manage/accomplish)
  • du schaffst (you manage/accomplish)
  • er/sie/es schafft (he/she/it manages/accomplishes)
  • wir schaffen (we manage/accomplish)
  • ihr schafft (you all manage/accomplish)
  • sie schaffen (they manage/accomplish)