
Meaning and Usage

"Planen" in German means "to plan" or "to design." It is used to express the action of making arrangements or outlining a course of action for a specific purpose.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "planen" is a verb in its infinitive form. It does not consist of any prefixes or suffixes. Its etymology comes from the Middle High German word "plan," which means "a flat surface, a level area."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "planen" in German directly translates to "to plan" in English. Both languages share a common Latin origin for the word.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich plane meine Reise nach Deutschland. (I am planning my trip to Germany.)
  2. Sie planen, ein neues Projekt zu starten. (They are planning to start a new project.)

Memory Tips

Associate "planen" with the English word "plan" to help remember its meaning. Think of making a plan for something you want to do.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Planung (noun) - the planning
  • der Plan (noun) - the plan
  • gestalten (verb) - to design


  • ich plane (I plan)
  • du planst (you plan)
  • er/sie/es plant (he/she/it plans)
  • wir planen (we plan)
  • ihr plant (you all plan)
  • sie planen (they plan)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Remember that "planen" is a regular verb, and its conjugation follows the pattern of regular verbs ending in "-en" in German.