
Meaning and Usage

"Aussteigen" in German means "to get off" or "to disembark" in the context of leaving a vehicle or means of transportation such as a bus, train, or car.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "aussteigen" consists of the prefix "aus-" which denotes the direction "out" or "off," and the verb "steigen" which means "to climb." Its structure indicates the action of getting off or out from a vehicle. The etymology can be traced back to the Middle High German word "ūzstīgen."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "aussteigen" has the same basic meaning as the English phrase "to get off." Both refer to the action of exiting a vehicle or mode of transportation.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, "aussteigen" is commonly used in transportation-related contexts, such as instructing someone to get off at a specific stop.

Example Sentences

  1. Der Zugfahrer sagte, dass wir an der nächsten Station aussteigen müssen. (The train conductor said that we have to get off at the next station.)

  2. Sie steigt aus dem Auto aus und geht zum Eingang des Gebäudes. (She gets out of the car and walks to the entrance of the building.)

Memory Tips

Associate "aussteigen" with the action of "stepping out" or "getting off" from a vehicle.

Additional Vocabulary

  • einsteigen (to get on/board)
  • umsteigen (to change trains/buses)
  • der Ausstieg (the exit)
  • die Haltestelle (the bus/tram stop)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich steige aus (I get off)
  • Du steigst aus (you get off)
  • Er/sie/es steigt aus (he/she/it gets off)
  • Wir steigen aus (we get off)
  • Ihr steigt aus (you all get off)
  • Sie steigen aus (they get off)