
Meaning and Usage

"Abgeben" means to hand over, to give, to submit, or to relinquish something. It can also be used to indicate the emission or delivery of something, such as a voice, a smell, or a statement.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "abgeben" is a combination of the prefix "ab-" (indicating separation or moving away from something) and the verb "geben" (to give). The prefix "ab-" signifies the action of giving something away or handing it over.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "abgeben" in German corresponds to "to hand over" or "to give away" in English.

Cultural Context

In a business or formal setting, "abgeben" can be used to refer to submitting documents, papers, or ballots. It can also be used in a casual context when talking about giving something to someone else.

Example Sentences

  • Sie müssen Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen bis nächste Woche abgeben. (You have to submit your application documents by next week.)
  • Der Schüler gab seine Hausaufgaben pünktlich ab. (The student handed in his homework on time.)

Memory Tips

Associate "ab-" with the idea of away or separation, and "geben" with giving. The combination "abgeben" then represents the action of giving something away or handing it over.

Additional Vocabulary

  • übergeben (to hand over, to transfer)
  • abliefern (to deliver, to produce)
  • aufgeben (to give up, to surrender)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich gebe ab (I hand over)
  • du gibst ab (you hand over)
  • er/sie/es gibt ab (he/she/it hands over)
  • wir geben ab (we hand over)
  • ihr gebt ab (you hand over)
  • sie geben ab (they hand over)