
Meaning and Usage

"Spiel" in German means "game" or "play" in English. It is used to refer to any type of game or play activity, including sports, board games, or theatrical performances.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Spiel" is a noun in German and doesn't have any specific prefixes or suffixes. Its etymology can be traced back to the Middle High German word "spil," and it is related to the English word "spiel."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "spiel" has been adopted into English, where it is often used to describe a lengthy or extravagant speech or story, although its original meaning is closer to its German counterpart, referring to a game or play.

Cultural Context

Germans place a strong emphasis on physical activity and outdoor games, and "Spiel" is a central part of their leisure and social life. Additionally, Germany has a rich theatrical tradition, and "Spiel" is commonly used in the context of theater and performance arts.

Example Sentences

  1. Wir spielen oft Karten in unserer Freizeit. (We often play cards in our free time.)
  2. Das Spiel hat viel Spaß gemacht. (The game was a lot of fun.)
  3. Die Kinder haben ein Theaterstück mit viel Spiel und Spaß aufgeführt. (The children performed a play with a lot of game and fun.)

Memory Tips

Think of "Spiel" as an opportunity for "play" or "game."

Additional Vocabulary

  • das Computerspiel (computer game)
  • das Brettspiel (board game)
  • spielen (to play)

Gender and Plural

Gender: neuter Plural: die Spiele


N/A (as "Spiel" is a noun)