
Meaning and Usage

"heiß" means "hot" in English. It is used to describe high temperature or to express that something is spicy. It can also be used informally to mean "cool" or "great."

Linguistic Analysis

"heiß" is an adjective. It does not have any distinct prefixes, and its root is "heiß." Its etymology can be traced back to Old High German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "heiß" has a similar meaning and usage to the English word "hot." However, it should be noted that "heiß" can also be used informally in a different context than "hot."

Example Sentences

  1. Die Suppe ist sehr heiß. (The soup is very hot.)
  2. Das Essen ist mir zu heiß. (The food is too spicy for me.)
  3. Das Konzert gestern Abend war richtig heiß! (Last night's concert was really cool!)

Memory Tips

Associate "heiß" with high temperature by picturing something hot or spicy.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: die Hitze (heat), scharf (spicy), kalt (cold)