
Meaning and Usage

"Wuchs" is the past tense form of the German verb "wachsen," which means "to grow" or "to increase." It is used to describe the growth or increase of something in the past tense.

Linguistic Analysis

"Wuchs" is the past tense form of the verb "wachsen." It is conjugated from the infinitive "wachsen." The verb "wachsen" is of Germanic origin.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "wuchs" in German corresponds to "grew" in English, both being the past tense form of the verbs "wachsen" and "to grow," respectively.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Pflanzen wuchsen schnell im warmen Klima. (The plants grew quickly in the warm climate.)
  2. Sein Einkommen wuchs im letzten Jahr um 10%. (His income grew by 10% last year.)

Memory Tips

Associate "wuchs" with the English word "grew" to remember that it represents past growth or increase.

Additional Vocabulary

  • wachsen (infinitive) - to grow
  • das Wachstum - the growth
  • zunehmen - to increase
  • die Zunahme - the increase

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich wuchs (I grew)
  • du wuchst (you grew)
  • er/sie/es wuchs (he/she/it grew)
  • wir wuchsen (we grew)
  • ihr wuchst (you grew - plural)
  • sie wuchsen (they grew)