
Meaning and Usage

"wiederholen" means "to repeat" or "to review" in German. It is used when referring to the action of doing something again, especially in the context of learning or practicing.

Linguistic Analysis

"wiederholen" is a verb in German. It is composed of the prefix "wieder-" which means "again" and the root "holen" which means "to fetch" or "to get". Therefore, "wiederholen" can be understood as "to get again" or "to fetch again".

Comparisons between German and English

The word "wiederholen" has a similar meaning to the English verb "to repeat". Both words express the idea of doing something again.

Cultural Context

In the context of education and learning, "wiederholen" is a common word used when talking about reviewing material or repeating an activity to consolidate knowledge.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich muss den Text wiederholen, um ihn besser zu verstehen. (I have to repeat the text in order to understand it better.)
  2. Kannst du das noch einmal wiederholen? (Can you repeat that again?)

Memory Tips

Associate "wiederholen" with the idea of "fetching again" or "getting something again" to help remember its meaning of "to repeat" or "to review".

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: repetieren (to repeat), wiederholen (to reiterate), nachlernen (to relearn)
  • Antonyms: das Erste Mal (the first time), neu machen (to do again)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

As "wiederholen" is a verb, it does not have a gender or a plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich wiederhole (I repeat)
  • Du wiederholst (You repeat)
  • Er/sie/es wiederholt (He/she/it repeats)
  • Wir wiederholen (We repeat)
  • Ihr wiederholt (You repeat)
  • Sie wiederholen (They repeat)