
Meaning and Usage

The German word "klingen" means "to sound" or "to ring" in English. It is commonly used to describe how something sounds or the action of making a sound.

Linguistic Analysis

"Klingen" is an irregular verb in German. It is an infinitive and can also serve as the main verb in a sentence, reflecting the action of something sounding a certain way.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "klingen" aligns with the English word "to sound," as they both convey the idea of auditory perception.

Cultural Context

The verb "klingen" is often used in German to describe the sound of various things, such as music, bells, or voices.

Example Sentences

  • Die Glocken klingen schön. (The bells sound beautiful.)
  • Seine Stimme klingt seltsam. (His voice sounds strange.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "klingen," think of the English word "cling" and associate it with the idea of a sound that sticks with you.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: der Klang (sound), klingeln (to ring, to jingle)

Conjugation (for verbs)

ich klinge (I sound) du klingst (you sound) er/sie/es klingt (he/she/it sounds) wir klingen (we sound) ihr klingt (you sound) sie klingen (they sound)