
Meaning and Usage

"Versuchen" means "to try" or "to attempt" in German, often indicating the action of making an effort to achieve a goal or outcome.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "versuchen" is a regular verb, and its infinitive form is "versuchen." It is formed with the prefix ver- (indicating an action towards something) and the root suchen (meaning "to seek" or "to look for").

Comparisons between German and English

"Versuchen" corresponds to "to try" or "to attempt" in English, sharing the same meaning of making an effort to achieve something.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie versucht, Deutsch zu lernen. (She is trying to learn German.)
  2. Können wir das nochmal versuchen? (Can we try that again?)

Memory Tips

Associate "versuchen" with the English word "try" to remember its meaning and usage, focusing on the action of making an effort.

Conjugation (for verbs)

Present tense: ich versuche, du versuchst, er/sie/es versucht, wir versuchen, ihr versucht, sie versuchen Past tense: ich versuchte, du versuchtest, er/sie/es versuchte, wir versuchten, ihr versuchtet, sie versuchten