
Meaning and Usage

"Gestern" is the German word for "yesterday." It is used to refer to the day before today or the recent past.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "gestern" does not have any prefixes or suffixes. It comes from Middle High German and Old High German "gestaron," which ultimately derives from the Germanic word "gestera."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "gestern" is similar to its English counterpart "yesterday" in both meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, "gestern" is commonly used in everyday conversation to refer to the previous day or the recent past.

Example Sentences

  • Gestern habe ich meine Freunde getroffen. (Yesterday I met my friends.)
  • Wir haben gestern ein tolles Konzert besucht. (We went to a great concert yesterday.)

Memory Tips

Try linking "gestern" to the English word "yesterday" and practice using it in sentences to reinforce memory.

Additional Vocabulary

  • heute (today)
  • morgen (tomorrow)
  • vorgestern (the day before yesterday)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)