
Meaning and Usage

"Gewinnen" in German means "to win" in English. It is commonly used in the context of competitions, games, or situations where one emerges as the victor.

Linguistic Analysis

"Gewinnen" is a verb and belongs to the class of weak verbs in German. It undergoes regular conjugation patterns to form tenses.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "gewinnen" in German directly translates to "to win" in English. The usage and meaning of the word are similar in both languages.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, "gewinnen" is used not only in the context of winning competitions but also in everyday language to express gaining or obtaining something.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie hat die Goldmedaille gewonnen. (She won the gold medal.)
  2. Ich hoffe, wir gewinnen das Spiel. (I hope we win the game.)

Memory Tips

Associate "gewinnen" with the feeling of winning to help remember its meaning. Visualize a victory to reinforce the association.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Der Sieg (masculine, plural: die Siege) - the victory
  • Der Gewinner (masculine, plural: die Gewinner) - the winner
  • Das Gewinnen - the winning (noun form)

Gender and Plural

As "gewinnen" is a verb, it does not have a gender or plural form.


  • Ich gewinne (I win)
  • Du gewinnst (You win)
  • Er/Sie/Es gewinnt (He/She/It wins)
  • Wir gewinnen (We win)
  • Ihr gewinnt (You [plural] win)
  • Sie gewinnen (They/You [formal] win)