
Meaning and Usage

"Zwanzig" is the German word for "twenty," used to denote the number 20.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "zwanzig" has no prefix or suffix. Its etymology can be traced back to the Old High German word "zwanzic," which is a combination of "zwan" (two) and "zehan" (ten).

Comparisons between German and English

The word "zwanzig" is similar in meaning to its English counterpart "twenty" and follows a similar numerical pattern.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking cultures, the number twenty holds significance in various contexts, such as age milestones, historical events, or numerical symbolism.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich habe zwanzig Äpfel gekauft. (I bought twenty apples.)
  2. Siebzehn plus drei ergibt zwanzig. (Seventeen plus three is twenty.)

Memory Tips

To remember the word "zwanzig," you can associate it with the similarity to "twenty" and the idea of "two tens" in German.

Additional Vocabulary

  • einundzwanzig (twenty-one)
  • die Zwanzigerjahre (the twenties, referring to a decade)
  • vierzig (forty)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)