
Meaning and Usage

"Warten" in German means "to wait." It is used to indicate the act of waiting for something or someone.

Linguistic Analysis

"Warten" is an infinitive form of the verb. It doesn't have a prefix or suffix. The word originated from the Middle High German "warten," which means "to watch, wait."

Comparisons between German and English

The English word "wait" and the German word "warten" share similar meanings and usage, making them cognates.

Cultural Context

The concept of waiting is universal, so the cultural context of "warten" is similar to that of "wait" in English-speaking cultures.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich muss auf den Bus warten. (I have to wait for the bus.)
  2. Sie wartete geduldig auf ihre Freundin. (She waited patiently for her friend.)

Memory Tips

Associate "warten" with the English word "wait" to remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Geduld (patience)
  • das Warten (waiting)
  • abwarten (to wait and see)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich warte (I wait)
  • du wartest (you wait)
  • er/sie/es wartet (he/she/it waits)
  • wir warten (we wait)
  • ihr wartet (you wait - plural)
  • sie/Sie warten (they/you wait - formal)