
Meaning and Usage

"EInladen" in German means "to invite" or "to treat" someone, especially in the context of inviting someone to an event or treating someone to something, such as a meal.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "einladen" is a compound verb, consisting of the prefix "ein-" meaning "in" or "into" and the root "laden" meaning "to load" or "to invite." The verb has a separable prefix, so in sentences, the prefix is often separated from the verb and placed at the end of the clause in the perfect tense or imperative form. The past participle is "eingeladen."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "einladen" has a similar meaning to the English verb "to invite," especially when referring to inviting someone to an event or treating someone to something.

Cultural Context

In German culture, it is common to use "einladen" to refer to inviting someone to an event or treating someone to a meal, which is often seen as a gesture of hospitality and friendship.

Example Sentences

  • Ich lade dich zu meiner Party ein. (I invite you to my party.)
  • Sie lädt mich zum Abendessen ein. (She invites me to dinner.)

Memory Tips

Associate "einladen" with the English word "invite" to remember its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Einladung (noun) - invitation
  • einladend (adjective) - inviting
  • ablehnen (verb) - to decline (an invitation)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich lade ein (I invite)
  • du lädst ein (you invite)
  • er/sie/es lädt ein (he/she/it invites)
  • wir laden ein (we invite)
  • ihr ladet ein (you invite)
  • sie laden ein (they invite)