
Meaning and Usage

"Machen" means "to make" or "to do" in English. It is a versatile verb used for a variety of actions, tasks, or creative endeavors.

Linguistic Analysis

"Machen" is an irregular verb, and it is highly versatile, often used in idiomatic expressions and compound verbs. It has a strong Germanic origin.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "machen" in German can be translated to "make" or "do" in English, and it shares similar versatility in its usage.

Cultural Context

The word "machen" is pervasive in daily German conversation, expressing a wide range of actions, tasks, or creative works.

Example Sentences

  1. Kannst du mir bitte einen Gefallen machen? (Can you please do me a favor?)
  2. Ich mache mir Sorgen um dich. (I am worried about you.)

Memory Tips

Associate "machen" with the English words "make" and "do," and try to memorize common collocations and expressions where it is used.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: die Herstellung (the production), die Aktivität (the activity), das Werkzeug (the tool), der Handgriff (the maneuver)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

Present tense conjugation:

  • ich mache (I make/do)
  • du machst (you make/do)
  • er/sie/es macht (he/she/it makes/does)
  • wir machen (we make/do)
  • ihr macht (you [all] make/do)
  • sie/Sie machen (they/you make/do)