
Meaning and Usage

"Entsprechen" means "to correspond" or "to match" in English. It is used to indicate that something meets or fulfills a certain standard, expectation, or requirement.

Linguistic Analysis

"Entsprechen" is a verb derived from the prefix "ent-" (indicating a reversal or transformation) and the root word "sprechen" (to speak). The combination forms a new word with the meaning of "corresponding" or "matching."

Comparisons between German and English

The English word "correspond" shares a similar meaning with "entsprechen." However, "entsprechen" encompasses a broader range of usage beyond just communication, including indicating conformity or equivalence.

Cultural Context

In German culture, there is an emphasis on precision and accuracy. The word "entsprechen" reflects this cultural value by highlighting the concept of things aligning or matching as expected.

Example Sentences

  • Der Bericht entspricht nicht unseren Erwartungen. (The report does not meet our expectations.)
  • Ihre Leistungen entsprechen den Anforderungen. (Her performance matches the requirements.)

Memory Tips

Associate "entsprechen" with the idea of aligning or corresponding to something, resembling a transformation or reversal of the action of "speaking" (sprechen).

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: übereinstimmen (to coincide), entsprechen (to correspond), passen (to fit)
  • Antonyms: abweichen (to deviate), nicht entsprechen (not to correspond)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich entspreche (I correspond)
  • Du entsprichst (You correspond)
  • Er/sie/es entspricht (He/she/it corresponds)
  • Wir entsprechen (We correspond)
  • Ihr entsprecht (You correspond)
  • Sie entsprechen (They correspond)
  • (Imperative) Entsprechen Sie! (Correspond!)