
Meaning and Usage

"Statt" in German can be used as a preposition or a conjunction, indicating "instead of" or "in place of" something or someone. It is used to express a substitution or replacement of one thing or action with another.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "statt" does not have a prefix, root, or suffix. It originates from Middle High German and Old High German "staz."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "statt" is similar in meaning to the English words "instead" or "in place of."

Example Sentences

  1. Statt Kaffee trinke ich Tee. (Instead of coffee, I drink tea.)
  2. Sie ging einkaufen, statt zu Hause zu bleiben. (She went shopping instead of staying at home.)

Memory Tips

You can remember the meaning of "statt" by associating it with phrases like "in place of" or "substitute."

Additional Vocabulary

  • anstelle von = instead of
  • im Gegensatz zu = in contrast to
  • anstatt = instead of

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)