
Meaning and Usage

Entwurf translates to "draft" or "design" in English and is commonly used to refer to a preliminary version of a document, plan, or design before it is finalized.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Entwurf" is a noun in German. It consists of the prefix "ent-" (indicating a beginning or process) and the root "wurf" (related to the verb "werfen" which means "to throw"). The combination "Entwurf" thus conveys the idea of something being thrown or placed in the early stages of development.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Entwurf" has a direct counterpart in English, "draft." It is interesting to note that the German word emphasizes the act of "throwing something into form," while the English word "draft" emphasizes the idea of a preliminary version.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, "Entwurf" is commonly used in contexts related to architecture, design, engineering, and literature.

Example Sentences

  1. Der Architekt präsentierte den Entwurf für das neue Gebäude.
  2. Sie arbeitet noch am Entwurf ihres Romans.
  3. Der Entwurf des neuen Produkts muss noch überarbeitet werden.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "Entwurf," one can think of it as the initial "throwing" of an idea or plan onto paper before it is fully developed.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Skizze (sketch)
  • Das Design (design)
  • Der Plan (plan)

Gender and Plural

"Entwurf" is masculine, and its plural form is "die Entwürfe."


N/A (Entwurf is a noun)