
Meaning and Usage

"Dich" is the German word for "you" in the accusative case. It is used when "you" is the direct object of the sentence.

Linguistic Analysis

"Dich" is a pronoun used for the singular second person, and it does not change its form based on the gender of the person. It is the accusative case form of the pronoun "du".

Comparisons between German and English

In English, "you" changes to "you" regardless of whether it is the subject or direct object of the sentence, while in German, the accusative case form "dich" is used specifically as the direct object.

Cultural Context

In German, using the correct case is important for proper communication. Using "dich" correctly as the direct object shows mastery of German grammar.

Example Sentences

  • Ich sehe dich. (I see you.)
  • Hast du ihn gesehen? Nein, ich habe ihn nicht gesehen. (Have you seen him? No, I haven't seen him.)

Memory Tips

Remember that "dich" is used when "you" are the direct object of the sentence, so it directly receives the action in a sentence.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Sie (she/her or formal you)
  • ihn (him)
  • uns (us)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)