
Meaning and Usage

"wachsen" means "to grow" in German. It is used to describe the process of increasing in size, becoming larger, or developing.

Linguistic Analysis

"wachsen" is an irregular verb in German, belonging to the strong verb category. It doesn't have a prefix and its origin is in Middle High German as "wahsen."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "wachsen" is similar to the English word "to wax" in meaning, but in German, it specifically means "to grow."

Example Sentences

  • Die Blumen wachsen im Garten. (The flowers are growing in the garden.)
  • Sie war überrascht, wie schnell ihr Kind gewachsen ist. (She was surprised how quickly her child has grown.)

Memory Tips

Associate "wachsen" with the concept of growth to remember its meaning.

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich wachse (I grow)
  • Du wächst (You grow)
  • Er/sie/es wächst (He/she/it grows)
  • Wir wachsen (We grow)
  • Ihr wachst (You all grow)
  • Sie wachsen (They grow)