
Meaning and Usage

"Danken" in German means "to thank" in English. It is used to express gratitude or to give thanks to someone for something they have done.

Linguistic Analysis

"Danken" is an infinitive verb. It is derived from the noun "Dank," which means "thanks" or "gratitude."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "danken" has a direct counterpart in English, which is "to thank." Both words are used to express gratitude or show appreciation.

Cultural Context

Expressing gratitude and saying "danke" (thank you) is an important aspect of German culture, and it is customary to thank people for their help or kindness.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich möchte dir für deine Hilfe danken. (I want to thank you for your help.)
  2. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihre Geduld. (We thank you for your patience.)

Memory Tips

Associate "danken" with the English word "thank." Remember that "danken" is used in a similar way to express thanks or gratitude.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Dankbar (grateful)
  • Dankeschön (thank you very much)
  • Undankbar (ungrateful)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich danke (I thank)
  • Du dankst (You thank)
  • Er/sie/es dankt (He/she/it thanks)
  • Wir danken (We thank)
  • Ihr dankt (You all thank)
  • Sie danken (They/you formal thank)