
Meaning and Usage

"Sonne" means "sun" in German. It is used to refer to the star at the center of the solar system.

Linguistic Analysis

"Sonne" is a feminine noun in German and doesn't contain any prefixes or suffixes. Its origin is from Middle High German as "sonne."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Sonne" is similar to the English word "sun" both in meaning and pronunciation.

Example Sentences

  • Die Sonne scheint heute sehr hell. (The sun is shining very brightly today.)
  • Wir verbringen den Tag gerne im Sonnenschein. (We enjoy spending the day in the sunshine.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Sonne" with the English word "sun" to remember its meaning.

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: feminine Plural: Sonnen