
Meaning and Usage

"Bauen" means "to build" or "to construct" in German, indicating the action of creating or assembling something, typically a structure or object.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "bauen" is a regular verb, and its infinitive form is "bauen." It does not undergo significant changes in different forms.

Comparisons between German and English

"Bauen" corresponds to "to build" in English, sharing the same meaning of creating or constructing something.

Example Sentences

  1. Wir wollen ein Haus bauen. (We want to build a house.)
  2. Er baut sein eigenes Boot. (He is building his own boat.)

Memory Tips

Connect "bauen" with the English word "build" to remember its meaning and usage, focusing on the action of constructing or creating something.

Conjugation (for verbs)

Present tense: ich baue, du baust, er/sie/es baut, wir bauen, ihr baut, sie bauen Past tense: ich baute, du bautest, er/sie/es baute, wir bauten, ihr bautet, sie bauten