
Meaning and Usage

"Wusste" is the first-person singular past tense form of the verb "wissen," which means "to know" in German. It is used to express knowledge or awareness of something in the past.

Linguistic Analysis

"Wusste" is derived from the verb "wissen" (to know) and is a conjugated form of the irregular verb. It is formed by adding the appropriate past tense ending "-te" to the verb stem "wuss-."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "wusste" corresponds to the English phrase "knew" as it expresses knowledge of something in the past.

Cultural Context

The ability to convey past knowledge or awareness is crucial in both formal and informal contexts, making "wusste" a valuable verb form in everyday German communication.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich wusste nicht, dass du Deutsch sprichst. (I didn't know you speak German.)
  2. Sie wusste immer, wie man das Problem löst. (She always knew how to solve the problem.)

Memory Tips

Associate "wusste" with the English word "knew" to remember its meaning as the past tense form of "know."

Additional Vocabulary

  • wissen (to know)
  • wissen (noun) - knowledge
  • unwissend (ignorant)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Not applicable (since "wusste" is a verb form).

Conjugation (for verbs)

Present tense: ich weiß (I know), du weißt (you know), er/sie/es weiß (he/she/it knows), wir wissen (we know), ihr wisst (you know), sie wissen (they know)